558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
Copyright (c) Handong Global University. All Rights Reserved.
Since the fundamental of classes will switch to offline classes from Spring 2022, online classes may only be accepted on a strictly limited case-by-case basis.
Yes! Professors can set up meetings using the online Video Conference programs and you can talk to them about classes or school life in general as if you were talking to them face to face!
Is there a decrease in the number of classes conducted in English due to COVID-19?
No. The only thing that has changed is the method of procedure of classes (on/off-line). So, the courses conducted in English remain unchanged.
Due to COVID-19, the postal services of visa documents are facing delay, and the embassy is subject to changes due to the circumstance as well. Thus, there will be an overall delay in the entire processing of visas. In order to tackle these delays, Handong Global University is packaging and sending visa documents earlier than usual.
* There have been cases of some students taking a leave of absence or taking 100% online classes because international flights were suspended and borders were closed in some countries due to COVID-19.
Unfortunately, yes. This applies to both national and international students. Since students can opt-out from face-to-face classes and participate via online classes, some students study from remote locations.
However, there are still a lot of people on campus sustaining the vibrant campus life for international students.
Dormitories are separated into three-room plans: a 4-person room, a 2-person room, and a 1-person room. The international resident hall (the dormitory for international students) provides the option of a 4-people and 2-people room. The 1-person room is available in a different dormitory building.
Due to COVID-19, there are restrictions on overnight passes (spending the night off-campus) and temporary passes (Leaving temporarily during the night), and there are fewer activities on-campus than before. However, there are still numerous activities that students are able to enjoy, which are all in compliance with the COVID-19 quarantine protocols.
When students enter the dorm, they have to check their temperature and record it every day.
Yes and no. The cafeterias, convenience stores, and other restaurants on campus are open. However, for sports facilities, only the tennis court, running track, and the school gym are open as of the time being. The libraries and other indoor facilities are open with the practice of social distancing.
How are the students living in general on campus?
Students have adapted quickly to the Social Distancing regulations. Benches, where people can eat together, are scattered throughout the campus to ensure a comfortable outdoor eating spot. Classes are conducted both on/off-line so the students are still moving around and are very much active on campus.
No. Outside personnel is not authorized to enter the Campus without prior permission from the University.
How are the events and festivals being conducted during this season?
In line with Roadmap for Gradual Return policy that started from November 1st, 2021, the offline festival has been ongoing with social distancing policies.
There is a public city bus #302 that commutes to and from the school and it is connected to most of the important sites in the Pohang region located near the school. The bus operates approximately every 20-25 minutes.
Can we participate in Extracurricular/Club activities?
Due to COVID-19, the Club Rooms have been restricted to the registered members only, but most clubs are still operational as usual. However, since many clubs only allow students who will contribute for a lengthy time, it is something to be noted for.
Although it is not as bustling as it was when the entire school population was on campus, the school is still enjoying its vibrant campus. And now you can even enjoy some peace with yourself and take relaxing walks around the campus.
Team activities are conducted according to the school regulations and social distancing. Teams either meet online or offline and spend time getting to know other team members and the team Professor. Team Activities promotes the following attributes through the guidance of the Team Professor: Leadership, Discipleship, and a sense of Community.
What should I do when I have symptoms of COVID-19 during the semester?
Should a student have any symptoms of COVID-19, they are to report to the doctor available on campus who will primarily scan him/her for potential symptoms, and refer them to the screening facilities available within the city if deemed necessary. Should the student be deemed necessary for a scan, his / her roommates, including the student himself/herself will be quarantined at a safe location until the results come back (usually within 24 hours).
Is there a protocol prepared in case a person is confirmed with COVID-19 on campus?
The University operates a Task Force Team to establish a plan should there be a confirmed / suspected case of COVID-19 on campus. There are set protocols for when expected symptoms appear, and these are updated real-time. This includes, but is not limited to, quarantining of the members who came in contact to partial/full shutdown of the campus. If students have any suspected symptoms of COVID-19, they should be tested at the nearest time frame possible.
What happens when you are infected with COVID-19?
Should anyone be confirmed with the virus, Korea Center for Disease Control, along with the regional government, will transfer the patient into an appropriate medical facility for treatment. If students have any suspected symptoms of COVID-19, they will be transported to the district Health Center to be scanned for the virus. For some asymptomatic patients living off-campus, they may be designated to quarantine at their residence.
The school is maintaining close contact with Pohang City, the regional government, which oversees the control of COVID-19 in the city. We also always maintain contacts with various hospitals and screening centers to be ready.
How is the school carrying out quarantine regulations on campus?
Campus-wide fumigation is held at least once per month, including the Dormitory areas. Should there be a suspected case of COVID-19 on campus, the traced locations of such persons (people) are additionally fumigated. Also everyone who enters and exits the campus is subject to a thermal check at the campus entrance. (If you have a temperature of 37.5 degrees or more, you cannot enter the campus.)
The Government of the Republic of Korea requires that all incoming travelers, regardless of nationality, be quarantined for 10 days. The travelers will be guided appropriately by the staff at the airport. Should the person have any symptoms during the screening procedure at the airport, they will spend the night there, waiting for the on-site COVID-19 screen result to come back. Otherwise, they will travel to Pohang (where we are located) by designated transportation, and be screened here. In line with the change in the policy of Roadmap for Gradual Return, fully vaccinated people may be exempt from quarantine (to be announced).
Since student enters Korea during the designated period by HGU, they may be offered a quarantine facility on campus. School offers quarantine facilities, food, and some program while they are staying under quarantine.
How can we get the food during the quarantine period?
The Office of International Affairs is in charge of quarantine for international students.
For quarantine, students should arrive at a designated date and have to pay for their meal, room, and other stuff for the fumigation. Since students cannot go out of their designated room, OIA will deliver their meal, stuff, water, etc to their room.
Can I still travel within Korea?
It is relatively safe for one to travel within Korea if all safety protocols are followed. However, If the circumstances are bad, after checking the current COVID-19 case we discourage students from traveling, as there is still a danger of contracting the virus from an unknown source.
How much is the medical expense for COVID-19 Tests? And what are the procedures?
If the person has any symptoms of the virus or got in contact with a confirmed patient, the expense of screening for the virus is born by the Government. In the case suspected symptoms appear, the cost of COVID-19 testing is free, but the cost of treatment varies by nationality. (Differential support based on mutual reciprocity.) Students taking tests mandated by foreign governments for travel needs to bear the cost of test (approximately 150,000 KRW).