Handong Ambassador
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Handong Ambassadors 2024-1
Handong Ambassadors 2023
About Handong Ambassador
Handong Global University is proud to introduce our exceptional team of Handong Ambassadors. These student representatives, all international students themselves, are passionate about building a welcoming and inclusive campus community. They serve as a valuable bridge between our incoming international students and the wider community. Through their own experiences and cultural insights, Handong Ambassadors help newcomers feel at home and thrive at Handong.

You are always welcome to contact us at to get ambassador's contact point!
Handong Ambassadors around World
Lea Kayes Budirahardja (2024)
Undergraduate Program
“Becoming a student at Handong Global University is an opportunity that will always be exciting. Handong is the only university that lets its students make their own major through their “Global Convergence Studies" program. Based on my experiences, Handong has helped me find my strengths and weaknesses, my self-made major, my passion, and a better version of myself through these last years. HGU's warm community never fails to make international students feel comfortable despite being far from their home and families. Come to Handong Global University and experience it for yourself!”
Christabella Rebecca Santoso (2024)
Undergraduate Program
“Handong has offered not just an exceptional academic experience but also a meaningful spiritual journey, helping me become the best version of myself and bringing me closer to God.”
Teddy Werdenberg (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“I was happy that the Professor see us as fellow younger Christian student who wanted to learn, and not just some other persno they have to get a lecture to.”
Rubiga Kim (2023)
Republic of Korea
Undergraduate Program
“I am really thankful on all the experiences in Handong including the community life and campus life overall.”
Sherwin (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“Handong has changed and grew me, to be more like Christ!”
Shelton (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“I love Handong and I am more than proud to declare myself as a Handong student. I have experienced so many new and amazing things in Handong, and I am sure others experience it too.”
Jescirrey Eff Tacbobo  (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“I am in a process of learning about myself every day as well as learning about Handong community, especially the international community.”
Thami Muna  (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“When I was in my ihanst my freshmen helper would pray for me and our whole team. I found that so hilarious, but when I myself stand up as Freshman Helper I don’t know how, when and where but I kept on praying for new freshmans. When I meet them in person I start to pray more.”
Valina Lovan  (2023)
Undergraduate Program
“Where else will the school president personally serve midterm or final fighting to students? Where else will the professors wash students' feet? They truly humble themselves and show that leadership is not the title but the act. This touches and impacts me. In the same way, I want to serve others both directly and indirectly, where recognition is not the matter.”
Kathleen Adelaide Setiawan (2020)
“My experience attending Handong stretch far beyond the classroom and its academic lessons. It gave me a family, a community of diverse people where everyone helps each other and cares for one another. Handong opened my life to a chapter full of challenges and joy, where I learned to step out of my comfort zone. Indeed, without Handong I would never have such opportunities to develop myself and to see myself grow. Handong has been and will always be my second home, and something I hope to be able to share with the next generation of students.”
Batchimeg Enkhbat (2020)
Dual Degree (University of Finance and Economics)
“HGU is the university that encourages its students to grow academically and personally. While I was studying at Handong, I set my life goals clearly and got motivation to work hard to achieve them."
Rufus (2019)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“It was a life changing experience and the best period of my life until now. I would like to encourage anyone who wants to study in Handong that if he/she wants enjoy the good frienship, beautiful environment and spiritual life then HGU is the best place to be."
Zoljargal Tuvshinbat (2019)
Dual Degree (University of Finance and Economics)
“HGU has been one of the best decisions I made in my life. My two year stay in Handong was one of the best experiences of my life and I believe that I can serve people of my country and everywhere."
Nguen Le Cat Thoug (2019)
Exchange (Lab University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Gitanjali Tilak (2019)
Exchange (Christ University)
“HGU has turned me into a better person; it has changed me in ways I could not have imagined. It would be an honor for me to represent Handong, God’s University, and to share with the world how coming here has transformed my outlook on life, especially as a person of God.”
Bijeta Subedi (2019)
Graduate Program
“Handong Global University has empowered me with the knowledge of updated technology and skills. ‘Why not change the world?’ to join Handong and be the member. I like the environment of university and the knowledge with the purpose. Thank you for strengthening.”
Chinguun Ganbat (2019)
Dual-Degree (University of Finance and Economics)
“For me HGU is a university that opens new opportunities and gates to its students by motivating and challenging us from very first day with strong Hopeful mindset.”
Rayan Abusrour (2019)
Exchange (Bethelehem University)
“This chance will give me the ability to give help to other people and tell them all about HGU and how studying with god’s grace is such a wonderful thing! I want to try my best to be one of the change makers! "
Michelle Arif (2019)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“Blessed with the opportunity to be a part of the student body, with its diverse culture, competitive studies, friendly environment and lots of opportunities for students to grow and achieve their aspirations.”
Obed Shahbaz (2019)
Exchange Program (Forman Christian College)
“I like Handong Global University very much. I feel like I belong here. I will be very happy to be the ambassador of HGU.”
Tareq Alawi (2018)
Exchange (Bethelehem University)
“Handong is a great place to be in. It’s full of amazing and ward hearted students and professors. Unforgettable memories were made during the semester. Come to Handong and experience it by yourself.”
Qadesh Flalgus (2018)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“I came to Handong and enjoyed every moment. I want to promote it in my university and other place. I want my friends to also come here and experience the life at Handong.”
Shaher Ezra (2018)
Graduate (International Law School)
“The relationship we build here are not only includes our friends, but it also includes the faculty (most importantly, prof’s spouses) and, it is long lasting relationship.  When I look back, I feel like I just came yesterday, time in Handong flies. I will indeed miss this place.”
Li Mei Ying (2018)
Exchange (Yanbian University of Sciences and Technology)
We can improve English so much here. We always speak English with foreign students living in i-House and have so many opportunities to make new friends and develop our communication skills. I really want to introduce HGU to Chinese friends.”
Chet Sokha (2018)
Exchange (Life University)
Mizraab Khawar (2018)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“Handong taught me a lot and provided me with a new experience and also helped me to grow spiritually. I will encourage others to come here and witness the same memorable experience that I had as an exchange student.”
Wang Jia Nan (2018)
“As a full-time student at Handong, I have been everyday touched and encouraged by its culture and the nice people around me. I am determined to live out Handong’s spirit in my entire life.”
Angela Biswas (2016)
Asim Kumar Sarker (2017)
KOICA Graduate Program
“The culture and beliefs of HGU brought me a new skyline of mindset for becoming a global citizen.”
Choup Ratha (2016)
Saksonita Khoeurn (2017)
KOICA Graduate Program
“I want Cambodian students get to know about Handong.”
Annisa Khalidia (2015)
Exchange Program
Shimon Kondo (2015)
Undergraduate Program (Management & Economics)
Bayasgalan Khaliun (2017)
“Although HGU is Christian university, it is very diverse and open to all different type of people, religions, and nationalities by heart, mind and soul.”
David Sharma (2016)
Undergraduate Program (Law)
Aashis Sharma (2016)
KOICA Graduate Program
“HGU has been and ideal university for me. HGU not just provides us with academic excellence, but it also teaches us the values of life.”
Shuham Charles (2015)
Exchange  (Forman Christian College)
Graduate program (International Law School)
Emmna Pervaiz (2017)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“Handong is a Christian University, it is not only help you to grow professionally but as Spiritually, too."
Sanjeeta Khalid (2017)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“HGU is not just a school. It’s a life changing school. It just not helps you to get better at academics but also grow in Christ.”
John Romale Naeem (2017)
Exchange (Forman Christian College)
“The welcoming atmosphere of Handong and the way people treat and serve here is an example of flaming torches.”
Joseph Ubas (2015)
Undergraduate (Life Science)
Sweet Mercy Frincillo Pacolor (2017)
KOICA Graduate Program
“A good school is not made of good building but people with commitment and good intention.”
Vo Tran Bach Le (2017)
Graduate (Management)
“I have learned an amazing thing that a young Handong built on a mountain isolated from towns can be shining as a torch to people around the world.”
Handong Global University
558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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