Handong News
Handong Global University School of Law Wins Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2024.02.22   |   count: 295

- Considered the most prestigious international moot court competition in the field of public international law, the winning team will compete in the finals in Washington D.C.

(Photo) Handong students who won in the International Moot Court Competition and their advisor, Professor Semee Kim

On the 16th of last Friday, at the 2024 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National Rounds, abbreviated as Jessup Korea, the law school team (comprising students Hadam Jung from the entering class of 2020, Young Won Kim from the entering class of 2018, Ariel Judata from the entering class of 2020, Chae Hyun Kim from the entering class of 2021, and Ye Won Jang from the entering class of 2021) from Handong Global University (President Dosoung Choi) secured victory in the domestic competition and advanced to the international finals held in Washington, D.C., USA.

The Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, with over 700 universities from more than 100 countries participating, is considered the preeminent university-level competition in the field of public international law. The domestic competition was organized by the Korean Society of International Law and the Hong Jin-ki Foundation for Legal Research. This year, Handong Global University's team, composed entirely of undergraduate students, achieved a groundbreaking feat, the first since the introduction of law school education in Korea in 2008. Last year, the team from Seoul National University's law school secured victory This year, Handong students swept the competition by winning the top honors in the individual category: Best Oralist (Young Won Kim) and Second Best Oralist (Ariel Judata).

The Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition adopts the format of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), addressing recent legal issues such as the Israel-Hamas conflict. The competition includes written submissions and oral arguments conducted in English, covering topics such as national investment policies, acquisition and deprivation of nationality, statelessness and human rights issues, and freedom of expression, reflecting current global economic and human rights concerns.

Professor Semee Kim from the School of Law at Handong Global University, who supervised the team, expressed her thoughts, stating, "Despite being undergraduate students, they competed against top law school students with good sportsmanship and learned the importance of international law even in challenging circumstances. I will continue to work harder to produce experts in the field of international law in various fields."

Leading the student team of Handong Global University, Hadam Jung expressed his determination, saying, "I am grateful for the opportunity to learn humility and perseverance while working together as a team to give our best. Through this experience, I not only honed my legal reasoning skills but also learned the significance of international law to a nation and its people. I am thankful to the school and the School of Law for providing me with this special opportunity to receive diverse practical training in various fields such as American substantive law and procedural law, negotiation and mediation, and trial practice. I will do my best without backing down even in the Washington Global International Final."

Handong Global University operates an international law graduate school that produces American attorneys, and the undergraduate program in the School of Law offers two major tracks: Korean law and "US & International Law," conducted entirely in English. Now in its 21st year, Handong International Law School has produced 589 American attorneys, and its graduates are actively engaged in various activities in international organizations, domestic and international law firms, corporations, academia, and civil society, solidifying its position as a hub for American and international law in Korea.

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