Handong News
Handong Global University’s ESG-ICT-Startup Talent Development Division Holds ‘Jinsanhak Networking Day’
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2024.02.05   |   count: 174

-Jisanhak refers to local collaboration for regional ecosystem, industry development, and job creation

(Photo 1) Group Photo of Jinsanhak Networking Day led by the ESG-ICT-Startup Talent Development Division of Handong Global University

Handong Global University's ESG·ICT·Startup Talent Development Division (hereinafter referred to as the EIS Division) held the 'Local University Activation Project Jisanhak Networking Day' event at the La Han Hotel in Pohang on the 29th.

This event was attended by about 50 people, including officials from Pohang City Hall, Gyeongbuk Content Industry Support Center, North Gyeongsang Province Economic Promotion Agency, Pohang Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Pohang Techno Park, Energy Economics Research Institute, local companies in Pohang, student startup teams from Handong Global University, and Handong Global University's Job Center.

The event was organized to report on the achievements of the EIS Division last year and to activate the Jisanhak cooperation network for this year. The event included congratulatory speeches, introductions to the activities of the division and Jisanhak cooperation, case presentations, and the establishment of the Jisanhak council. Through case presentations, the Gyeongbuk Content Industry Support Center, Onnamu Co., Ltd., and student startup teams Impact Yoon and Chakancha introduced their businesses and proposed cooperation plans for Jisanhak.

(Photo 2) Won Seop Lee, director of the EIS Division, introducing the project

Won Seop Lee, director of the EIS Division, said, "Handong Global University declared its vision as an ESG Startup Hub in 2022 and is making efforts to cultivate excellent young entrepreneurs who can change the world armed with the values of ESG, ICT convergence technology, and entrepreneurial spirit." He added, "I am pleased that a system for cooperation among local governments, major local institutions, industries, and educational institutions is being established to prepare for the upcoming RISE regime, and I hope to gather strength for talent development in ESG, ICT, and Startup in the future."

At this event, nine individuals, including Jae Heon Jeong from Pohang City Hall, Myeong Ha Lee, the director of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Economic Promotion Agency, Ju Ho Jeong, the director of the Gyeongbuk Content Industry Support Center at the Gyeongbuk Cultural Heritage Foundation, Tae Hyun Kim from the Pohang Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jin Seok Park from Pohang Techno Park, Il Hyun Jo from the Energy Economics Research Institute, Dr. Jae Dal Lee from RIST, Gyu Seol Lee from Pohang MBC News Center, and Seok Min Lee from Onnamu Co., Ltd., were appointed as members of the Jisanhak council.

Meanwhile, Handong Global University launched the EIS Division in September last year as the Local University Activation Project, one of the three types of university innovation support projects, and is collaborating with various institutions in Pohang and Gyeongbuk to cultivate talents that contribute to sustainable social innovation in the era of green and digital transformation, focusing on ESG, ICT, and Startup convergence.

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