Handong News
Handong Global University Takes a Leap Forward Together with Pohang and Gyeongbuk Through University Innovation that Completely Breaks Down Boundaries
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2023.09.14   |   count: 211

- On the 14th (Thursday), reporters from Pohang and Gyeongbuk were invited to the briefing room at Pohang City Hall to explain Handong Global University's Glocal University 30 project.

(Photo 1) President Dosoung Choi of Handong Global University explaining the Glocal University 30 project

Handong Global University (President Dosoung Choi) announced a next-generation university innovation model that breaks down the boundaries between majors and departments, regions and schools, and domestic and foreign countries, and through this will leap onto the global stage together with the local community. This plan is for Handong Global University's Glocal University 30 project and was announced at a press conference in the Pohang City Hall briefing room on the 14th.

The Glocal University 30 project is a public offering project promoted by the Ministry of Education to find a success model that enables universities to drive regional growth through innovation and achieve global competitiveness in a situation of population decline and regional crisis. The final 10 universities will be selected this year, and the selected universities will be provided with 100 billion won in support over 5 years and regulatory innovation benefits to carry out bold innovations. Handong Global University was selected as a preliminary designated university at the end of June.

Handong Global University has been leading educational innovation by introducing a non-major and non-department admission system that eliminated the boundaries between liberal arts and science for the first time in Korea, and the next-generation university innovation model proposed for this Glocal University 30 project is also expected to drive innovation in Korean university education. Handong Global University’s innovation consists of educational innovation, regional innovation, and global innovation. In the education sector, a convergence education system is implemented that integrates all departments into one single university (one college). This allows students to combine subjects and majors without restrictions and actively responds to the demands of students and industry. For regional innovation, it is planned to establish a geo-industrial community along with Pohang, which was recently selected as a secondary battery specialized complex, form an ESG-based industrial value chain, and create an innovation town to foster specialized industries. Global innovation involves leading the globalization of the Gyeongbuk region, including Pohang, based on Handong Global University's education ODA project and global network with international organizations over which it has accumulated know-how over a long period of time.

(Photo 2) Handong Global University Vice President for Academic Affairs and Deans answering questions from reporters

Dosoung Choi, President of Handong Global University, said, “The changing spirit of the times and the educational environment require constant challenge and innovation from universities,” adding, “We will make the university’s innovation a true university-community growth model that can become innovation in Pohang and the Gyeongbuk region.”

Since its opening in 1995, Handong Global University has carried out educational innovations through unconventional educational experiments such as Korea’s first unsupervised conscience examination system, non-major admission, dual degree system, moving all students into dormitories, and team professor system, and it has been selected as an excellent university for educational reform.

The 15 universities preliminarily selected for the Glocal University 30 project will submit and action plan on October 4, and the final 10 universities will be selected at the end of October.

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