Handong News
Handong Global University, Holds a Startup Training Program for Professors and Students of the United African University of Tanzania
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2023.09.11   |   count: 202

- Handong Global University held a startup training program in Tanzania from September 1 to 5 with the purpose of fostering sustainable startup talent.

(Photo 1) Students of the United African University of Tanzania presenting startup ideas

As part of the UNESCO UNITWIN project, Handong Global University (President Do-Soung Choi) held a startup training program (Startup Training for African Revival) from September 1st to 5th for professors and students of the United African University of Tanzania.

The United African University of Tanzania is a local university established by President Jin-Seop Lee, a Korean, to awaken the potential of young people in developing countries and nurture leaders for the next generation. This program was held to give startup and entrepreneurship education with the purpose of nurturing startup talents who can lead to sustainable development in Tanzania, and about 30 students participated.

The main lecturers included Professor Lee Sang-Wha of the School of Global Entrepreneurship and ICT of Handong Global University, Advisor Park Moon-Ki of LMS Co., Ltd., and Kim Jae-Jeong, CEO of JK Materials Co., Ltd. The main program contents were conducted in the form of education and mentoring for local students by △ entrepreneurship △ how to come up with ideas △ business model △ business case introduction △ business plan preparation.

(Photo 2) Group photo of Startup Training for African Revival Program participants

Bae Dong-Ho, the Vice-president of the United African University of Tanzania, encouraged the students saying, “The most important thing in starting a business is sustainability, so even if you face difficulties, I hope you will not give up and solve the problem.”

*UNESCO UNITWIN (University Twinning and Networking) is a program created by UNESCO in 1992 with the purpose of reducing the knowledge gap and fostering self-reliance in developing countries by supporting educational and research institutions in developing countries through networks between universities in developed countries and universities in developing countries. In Korea, Handong Global University was designated as the first university to host UNITWIN in 2007.

*Handong Global University’s UNITWIN project is a part of the Ministry of Education’s ODA project, and it has signed agreements with universities in developing countries, focusing on the government-focused partner countries among low-income countries classified by the World Bank, to strengthen the capabilities of universities, conduct leader training projects, and support regional development projects and has established regional hub centers in developing countries.

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