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Handong Global University and Universities in Cambodia and Thailand Held the Second Round of Mock Legislation Joint Camp
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2023.09.16   |   count: 255
- Mock Legislation Joint camp held on September 16

- University students, graduate students, and professors from Handong Global University in Korea, Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia and Thammasat University in Thailand participated

Group Photo of the second round of Legislation Camp in HGU of Korea

(Photo 1) Group Photo of the second round of Legislation Camp in HGU of Korea

The UNESCO UNITWIN Project Team from Handong Global University (HGU) held the seconde round of “Joint Camp for Legislation: Legislative Solution for the World Without Borders” online and in-person on September 16, 2023. This joint camp is part of HGU's Joint Education Program in Cambodia that promotes learning and means to seek sustainable solutions to various social problems faced in developing countries through the legislative process. Through the camp, HGU provides participants with the opportunity to gain practical, hands-on learning experiences about the legislative process, governance, and the importance of civic engagement.

Thirty-four participants, including professors, undergraduate students, and graduate students from Handong Global University (Korea), Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia), and Thammasat University (Thailand) attended the camp. Participants discussed legislative solution to national and regional problems facing their countries through examples from each country (Korea, Cambodia, and Thailand). By drafting legislation, they learned research, critical thinking, public speaking, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. Professors from each university gave lectures on topics suggesting the procedures and methods needed to carry out legislative work. In addition, Korean, Cambodian, and Thai students formed diverse individual groups to carry out group activities, create networking opportunities, and learn teamwork. The camp raised awareness of specific issues or challenges facing ASEAN countries, and encouraged participants to make their voices heard and take an active interest in policies and civic issues.

In particular, at this camp, Professor Se Mee Kim of Handong University introduced the program plan and goals for next round of the Mock Legislation Camp following the first and second round. She hoped that some participants would be inspired to pursue careers in politics, law, or public service after attending the camp, as effective leadership is crucial for national development. Professor Phalthy Hap of Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia and Professor Lasse Schuldt said the camps can serve as a powerful tool for education, empowerment and fostering a culture of civic engagement, which are essential for the growth and development in developing countries.

Group Photo of the second round of Legislation Camp in Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia

(Photo 2) Group Photo of the second round of Legislation Camp in Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia

* UNESCO UNITWIN (UNITWIN, UNIversity, TWInning, and Networking) was established by UNESCO in 1992 for the purpose of reducing the knowledge gap and fostering self-reliance in developing countries by the educational method of supporting university and research institutions in developed countries through a network between developed and developing countries’ universities. In Korea, HGU was designated as the first UNITWIN host university in 2007.

* In addition to this, HGU is accelerating the promotion of internationalization through various ways. It was designated as the first OECD intern dispatch university in Korea (2008), recognized as the host university of the UN Academic Impact, and named as UN depository library operating university. Also, it was acknowledged as a host university for UN NGO meeting (2016) and opening of UNAI Ban Ki Moon Institute for Global Education was followed. (2019).

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