Handong News
Handong Global University Achieves Remarkable Success at the 28th National Model United Nations Conference
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2023.07.12   |   count: 241

- 2 teams from Handong Global University won the Minister of Foreign Affairs Award (Grand Prize in the 2nd Committee) and the President of the United Nations Association Republic of Korea Award (Encouragement Award in the 1st Committee)

(Photo) Group Photo of the Winners of the 28th National Model United Nations Conference

At the 28th National Model United Nations Conference held from July 4th to 7th, two teams of Handong Global University students achieved successive honors, winning the Minster of Foreign Affairs Award (2nd Committee) and the President of the United Nations Association Republic of Korea Award (1st Committee) respectively.

The National Model United Nations Conference, now in its 28th year, is an event where students from various universities across the country come together to understand the importance of international cooperation and experience the UN's role and diplomatic negotiation processes indirectly. The event is organized by the United Nations Association Republic of Korea and sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This year, Chonnam National University served as the host institution, and the conference addressed four topics: "Climate Change and International Peace and Security" (1st Committee), "The Role of the UN in Improving North Korean Human Rights" (2nd Committee), "International Efforts to Combat Piracy" (3rd Committee), and "Strengthening UN Peacekeeping Activities for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding" (4th Committee).

At the conference, Handong Global University excelled in two different committees. Under the theme of "Climate Change and International Peace and Security," Sung Gwang Shin (Freshman Class of '17) and Seong Eun Yoon (Freshman Class of '20) received the Encouragement Award (President of the United Nations Association Republic of Korea Award), while in the "International Efforts to Combat Piracy" committee, Hyuk Jin Kwon (Freshman Class of '19) and  Seo Yeon Lim (Freshman Class of '20), representing Nigeria, were honored with the Grand Prize (Minister of Foreign Affairs Award).

Hyuk Jin Kwon, the student who received the Grand Prize, shared his thoughts on the experience, stating, "Through this opportunity, I had a valuable time experiencing the paradox that in the process of multilateral diplomacy, particularly in order to secure 'important interests,' one must voluntarily sacrifice some interests."

Professor Junhyup Kim (School of International Studies, Language, and Literature) from Handong Global University, who mentored the participating teams, expressed his views, saying, "International conflicts are deepening worldwide, and Korea's role in the international community is more critical than ever. Through this competition, students gained valuable experiences that will contribute to their future engagement in the international society."

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