Global Entrepreneurship Training 2017 Special Edition in South Korea
writer: 영문 관리자   |   date: 2017.11.27   |   count: 2769



About this Global Entrepreneurship Training (GET) - Special Short Edition


The program is to help the current and future global leaders from developing countries staying in Korea, especially those in the public sectors, experience entrepreneurship mindset, and help them acquire relevant knowledge that can help improve their current work/business(s), chances for creating new start-up businesses, and their job performance so they may contribute better for their country economy.  It is also expected that the participants transfer the information they learned to their employees, colleagues, and students.  In addition, the training is intended to help participants understand themselves better and find what inspires them, what they really want to do, and what their vision is with honesty and integrity.


     (You can check in the hotel in the evening on December 19 if necessary. Please let us know when you register.)


What is the GET Program?

General Objective:

  • The Global Entrepreneurship Training (GET) was established in 2008 by Handong Global University, and since then, it has been held 2 – 3 times a year usually in developing countries. A total of 28 GET sessions were offered so far including the special sessions and produced more than 3000 graduates in 15 countries in three different continents. The main purpose of the program is to help plant hope, motivation, and confidence in the minds of the participants, the future national leaders from developing countries, for them to bring about a positive change to their countries via business, technology, and law built on honesty and integrity.


  • Tangible outputs that GET intends to accomplish:

To enable participants via the program are to

1) to help identify either a local need or opportunity that can be tapped for economy development,

2) to help create creative ideas/ventures to satisfy such needs, and

3) to help utilize the opportunity/advantage to improve the economy and jobs.


  • Big picture:

It is hoped that the GET Special Edition participants of the program turn into creative entrepreneurs through the experience offered in the program, and by producing new innovative ideas, ventures, and job openings, they contribute for reduction of poverty and economic stabilization for their countries. 



Training Topics:

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Global Citizenship

Project Proposal & Management

Entrepreneurial Finance & Accounting

Business Law and Ethics

Intellectual Property

Raising Capital


Economic Development and Innovation



Understanding and realizing your potential and forming your vision

Opening your mind to other possibilities

Acquiring Life-changing experience

Becoming a knowledgeable entrepreneur

Forming a global network in global perspective

Acquiring necessary tools and knowledge to start your own business

Learning and reflecting upon what you can do for your country


GET is conducted in English


  • How to apply:

1)     Access

2)     View the NOTICE and Click GET 2017 Special Edition in South Korea

Download application and fill out

3)     Send via E-mail: with an e-mail title,: “Submitting 17 GET application” with an attachment of a file with the title. “your name _GET 17 application)”

4)     Transfer of a returnable deposit:*

Bank account No. 950-006955-01-022

Name of Bank: IBK 기업은행 (Industrial Bank of Korea)

Name of Beneficiary: 손하선 (Sohn, Ha Sun)

* Without payment of deposit, participants will not be registered


  • Application due date: December 6 (Wed), 2017


  • Application eligibility: Government officials who are located in Korea for KOICA Master program or current and future leaders from developing countries with a valid visa to stay in Korea


  • Remarks:

* Meals and Accommodation will be provided. (Lodging: 2 persons per room with two single beds)

* Transport expenses to and from the GET venue shall be borne by the individual participants.

* Please submit the application by the due date.

* Deposit: 100,000 Korean Won per person. (The deposit will be collected to cover part of the cost of the hotel if you do not show up. The deposit will not be returned if you do not show up to register on the opening day or if you do not attend all three days of the session. We will return you the deposit in cash on the last day of the session after it is completed.)



  • Inquiries: Coordinator Ms. Hasun Sohn, the GET Coordinator

Tel: 054) 260-1762/e-mail:


Download Application Form


You can also download description page in PDF HERE

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558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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