Teaching at Handong
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Qualifications & Admissions
What are the vision and educational missions of HGU?
Vision and Educational Mission of Handong Global University

-First, Handong Global University nurtures honest Christian leaders from all walks of life who change the world for the glory of God in a spirit of love, humility, and service.
-Second, Handong Global University fosters honest international leaders who serve their communities, countries, and the world, especially in developing countries, from a foundation of professionalism and morality.
-Third, Handong Global University devotes itself to academic disciplines from a Christian worldview, establishes goals that are true to education, restores biblical creationism, and cultivates competent and honest intellectuals who bring restoration to corrupt ethics and morals (Isaiah 58:12)
What are the qualifications?
In addition to the qualifications provided below, applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

- The applicant is able to instruct students based on a Christian perspective of their major
- The applicant understands the holistic educational vision and evangelical Christian spirit of Handong Global University, and is able and willing to participate in its mission.

- The applicant has no grounds for disqualification from being appointed as a faculty member of a private educational institution, in accordance with Article 54-3 of the [Private School Act].
- The applicant is not subject to restrictions on the appointment of holders of a Bachelor's Degree from designated university, in accordance with Article 4-3 of the [Decree on the Appointment of Public Officials in Education].
- The applicant meets the standards provided under Article 2 of the [Regulation on Qualification Criteria Standards forof University Faculty Members].
Life in Korea
What does the visa process look like?
Once all the employment process is finished, the school will assist a new faculty member with the E-1 (faculty) visa process (It may be different depending on the type and area of employment).

For the F-3 (Family Dependants) visa,
<Timeline of the Visa Application>
One may apply for the visa 90 days before the starting date on the contract.
However, one may be requested with additional documents to prove what to do when one comes into the country earlier than the starting date. Therefore, the school highly recommend to apply for the visa a month before the starting date.

The school will request the documents needed for the issuance of Visa Issue Certificate.
Once the certificate is issued, you may visit a Korean embassy near your residence with the issuance number and passport.
How does health care work in South Korea?
You can checkout the link below for the official health care information:
> Click the Link!
Do I need to speak Korean?
No, but of course, learning some Korean will enrich your time here. Once in Korea, HGU supports all endeavours to learn Korean by offering Korean language courses every vacation.
How safe is Korea to visit?
We are confident to say that Korea is remarkably safe. Handong is located in a peaceful city called Pohang with about 0.5 million inhabitants, having beautiful scenery on the east coast of Korea.
Life in Handong
Does the school provide housing?
Yes. Our school provide on-campus apartments and the size of the apartment is determined by the size of your family. We have families with as many as 9 children living here already.

To support faculty members as they settle in Korea, Handong Global University provides guaranteed residence on campus for up to three years.
Residencial support may continue to be provided after their third year, upon consideration of HGU's accommodation capacity.
Would I have access to the public transport system?
The school is located in a remote area. However, the public transport system reaches the campus so that staff members and students may commute from off-campus residential areas.
Is there any local school that kids can attend?
We have an international school(Handong International School) on campus that covers elementary to high school level education.
> More about HIS
What's the weather like throughout the year?
Korea traditionally has four seasons. In summer, Korea has a typical hot and humid climate, and in winter, it is cold and dry.

Spring (March ~ May): Average 13.8℃, precipitation 226.3mm, average wind velocity 2.8m/s. It occasionally gets frosty even until early April.
Summer (June ~ August): Average 24.4℃, precipitation 557.6mm, average wind velocity 2.4m/s.
Autumn (September ~ November): Average 16.5℃, precipitation 306.1mm, average wind velocity 2.5m/s.
Winter (December ~ February): Average 3.6℃, precipitation 101.1mm, average wind velocity 2.7m/s.
Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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