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The Graduate School of Counseling
Office Hyundong Hall 119
Contact (+82) 054-260-1206
The Graduate School of Counseling Psychology is established to fulfill Handong Global University’s educational ideals and calling to mission, cure the pain and scars becoming so common on this earth and recover wholesome family relationships. This mission is manifested in the following curricular.
Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or educational attainment equivalent to a bachelor's degree approved by law.
Educational Goals
The Counseling Psychology Graduate School focuses on holistic healing, prevention of spiritual-emotional diseases, and research to restore broken families and churches. The School prepares Christian Counselors, Family Counselors, Cognitive Behavioral Clinical Psychologists, Addiction Counselors, and other specialists who will vitalize counseling and social welfare activities of Korean Churches and contributes to a healthy society.
Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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