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Course Name Spring Fall Credits

English Foundation

Welcome to English Foundation(EF)! In EF, you will integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English, but most of the time, you will develop your speaking skills. This is to encourage you to use the language that you already know. We will have lots of in-class and out-of-class discussions in which your group will use the key discussion strategies we are learning. The main goal of this class is this: “to develop spontaneous conversation through the appropriate application of discussion strategies”.

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English Communication

English Communication (EC) is an intermediate language course which builds upon skills developed in EF to prepare students for higher-level DLE courses (ERC & EAP), as well as English-mediated courses in students’ chosen majors. The course aims to develop student abilities in all five core competencies and also challenges students to develop the supporting skills of grammar and vocabulary.

Listening is connected to note-taking because students will be required to comprehend oral lectures in their future academic careers. Reading texts have been selected to develop student familiarity with both structured and unstructured formats (paragraphs/novel), and are matched with teaching and practice of both structured and unstructured writing (paragraphs/journal). Intermediate presentation and discussion skills build student mastery and confidence in sharing their own ideas and knowledge with others.

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English Reading and Composition

English Reading and Composition (ERC) is a three-credit English course. Students in ERC must have completed EC, or have tested into ERC. The course is intended 1) to prepare students to read and comprehend university-level English texts, 2) to write well-structured, well-supported essays, 3) to present their ideas orally in an academic setting, and 4) to discuss their ideas and respond well to the ideas of others. Students will present their ideas in both written and oral formats in a logical, orderly way, with sufficient language mastery to make their ideas clear. Students will also respond to the ideas of others in written and oral responses to reading and discussion with their peers.

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EAP - Humanities

EAP (English for Academic Purposes) is an advanced English language course that is available at the final level of the Department of Language Education (DLE) curriculum. In order for students to integrate their knowledge and be effective in the world, they need to be analytical readers and effective communicators (both spoken and written). This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to read critically, think logically, and speak and write with precision and clear purpose. Readings and topics are chosen with a specific emphasis on integrating faith and learning. The course is intended to prepare students for success in their academic work here at Handong Global University and, as such, it emphasizes analytical thinking, critical reading, and ethical incorporation of sources. EAP is designed for all HGU students regardless of what their chosen majors are. The course design creates space for multi-disciplinary conversations around themes and topics which should appeal to a wide range of disciplinary interests. The course aims to develop the student’s overall language proficiency with a specific focus on specialized academic language competencies: reading, researching, discussion, presentation, and advanced academic writing skills.

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EAP - Sciences

EAP Sciences (English for Academic Purposes - Sciences) is an advanced English language course that is available at the final level of the Department of Language Education (DLE) curriculum. In order for students to integrate their knowledge and be effective in the world, they need to be analytical readers and effective communicators (both spoken and written). This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to read critically, think logically, and speak and write with precision and clear purpose. Readings and topics are chosen with a specific emphasis on integrating faith and learning. The course is intended to prepare students for success in their academic work here at Handong Global University and, as such, it emphasizes analytical thinking, critical reading, and ethical incorporation of sources using the APA / Chicago referencing style.

EAP Sciences is designed for all HGU students majoring in the Scientific disciplines. The course design presents themes of surveillance, privacy and freedom which should appeal to students majoring in the Sciences. The course aims to develop the student’s overall language proficiency with a specific focus on specialized academic language competencies: reading, discussion, presentation, and advanced academic researching, writing and referencing skills.

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English Pre-Course 1

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English Pre-Course 2

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Essentials of English Communication

EEC-Online uses an individualised e-teaching/e-learning concept and is designed to be completed online by students working independently with assistance provided by the Professor. Students successfully completing this online course will be considered to have met Handong University exit English requirements - upon successful completion, students should check with the HGU Academic Affairs Department regarding graduation eligibility. This class will focus on giving students opportunities to continue developing English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Basic English concepts relating to grammar, vocabulary, listening, conversational speaking, reading and writing skills will be covered and assessed.

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Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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