English Courses & Programs
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Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) courses foster human resources specializing in the IT sector. Its courses are based on English for globalization and the acquisition of broad background knowledge through affiliated majors. The major trains experts in computer software and hardware. It is a major related to computer system design, such as software design, hardware design, and computer network design. Also, this major deals with computer applications for problem-solving, such as computer security, artificial intelligence, and embedded system design.
Message from the Professor
Prof. Gun Lee
Information Technology plays a key role in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea is recognised as an IT powerhouse in the world. IT courses are centred around Deep Learning, IoT, Big Data, and Virtual Reality (VR)/games. IT major welcomes young minds who embrace the “Heart of God, Heart of Future Technology” together.

In the U.S. and International Law Departments, students get exposed to many opportunities. We have students getting exposed having the opportunity to go out and participate in international moot competitions.
Story of Alumni
Klepilin Evgenii Vladimirovich (class of 13)
In Handong, no major is too easy, and IT is definitely on the side of more difficult ones. However, I really liked studying IT, and my passion for computer science kept me going through the tough times. Professors were very welcoming when we were asking questions and participation was continually encouraged!

Among many good things that I have learnt from IT major, one thing remains with me on a day-to-day basis, and it is the ability and desire to continually learn and try to get to the core of the issue! Handong's educational system is very encouraging when it comes to self-education. A lot of students tend to perceive it as a major flaw and are looking forward to professors explaining everything so they can memorize it from the plate. I think that it was a great experience for me to figure out where and how to find information when I don't have a clue where to go from here. And it is one of the most important life skills I possess right now! It is even more important than the IT skills that I have learnt in school.
Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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