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13 April 2017 ~ Present Chairman of Board of Directors, Handong Global University Foundation
May 2017 ~ Present Chief Director of Academia Christiana
Jan 2017 ~ Present Chief of Lausanne Committee Korea
Oct 2011 ~ Present Chairman of Board of Directors, CGNTV
Sep 2011 ~ Present Senior Pastor of Onnuri Church
Oct 2008 ~ Sep 2011 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (D. Min. candidate)
May-08 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Th. M.)
Mar 2005 ~ Sep 2008 Senior Pastor, New Jersey Chodae Community Church
12-Oct-98 Ordained as a minister by the Korean Presbyterian Church, South Seoul  Presbytery
Feb-96 M.Div. Theology/Pastoral Theology, Hapdong Theological Seminary
Feb-90 B.A. International Commerce, Myungji University
Handong Global University 558 Handong-ro Buk-gu, Pohang Gyeongbuk 37554 Republic of Korea
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